Mixed media, Friday 8 May 2015

I watched Haywire on my flight to Edinburgh the other week. I had watched the first two episodes of the new Daredevil series on Netflix, and had been blown away by the hallway scene at the end of episode two. JWZ mentioned Haywire when he wrote about the hallway scene. I came away impressed — a nice little action film with an espionage backdrop. Lots of close-in, very personal action scenes rather than big set-piece explosions. Gina Carano makes for a great lead.

I have since watched the rest of the first season of Daredevil, and it is excellent. Vincent D’Onofrio as Wilson Fisk is the very best thing about it. I’d watch it for him alone. Come for the Daredevil, stay for the Kingpin.

On the Thursday evening of that week I went out for dinner with AlanR and AlanW (gluten-free pizza at Mamma’s, accompanied by a gluten-free beer; not as bad as you might think; not as good as you might hope), and then AlanW and I wandered over to the Cineworld to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. Then when I got back home, we all went out to see it at in IMAX at Pathé Arena on the Saturday morning. My opinion of it didn’t change: too much, spread too thinly. Not great. The big action scenes felt repetitive, and there were just too damn many character story arcs for a single film. I also found the CGI for the opening battle curiously poor, but it wasn’t until the second viewing that I noticed it was all edited together as a single tracking shot. Flashy and unnecessary.

So then I was watching Kick-Ass 2 a couple of evenings ago because I couldn’t sleep, trying to figure out who the actor playing Dave Lizewski/Kick-Ass reminded me of (Elijah Wood — something in the eyes), and at the end of it I was watching the credits and I saw “Aaron Taylor-Johnson” and I went “heeyyyyy wait a minute,” I know that name, he plays Pietro frickin’ Maximoff in Avengers, and then I’m all like “what, you didn’t see that coming?” He also played the character Ford Brody in Godzilla last year, who is married to Elle Brody, played by Elizabeth Olsen who then plays his sister Wanda frickin’ Maximoff in Avengers, and now I’m like “whoaaa” but it was 04:30 and I was kind of spacy from lack of sleep.

The highlight of the last couple of weeks was definitely Whiplash, though. It takes the traditional talented youngster/wise old man spurring him on to greatness narrative and digs deep to find out just how abusive that relationship can become. It is not a nice film, but oh my goodness is is gripping. It has more edge-of-your seat tension than most action thrillers. The final drum scene is a battle of wills more suspenseful than just about any fight scene I’ve ever watched. I was holding my breath. Very highly recommended.

Walk to Haarlem

I walked to Haarlem this morning, just under 24km in just under 4.5 hours — including a 25 minute break at the ferry across the Noordzeekanaal. Alex took the bus and train there (his first time taking the train on his own), and we met up at the station. We went to McDonalds for lunch, and then visited the Spellenhuis game store. Amazingly, we didn’t walk out with a new game.

Alex in front of the Grote Kerk in Haarlem

I listened to a stack more episodes of 99% Invisible on the walk, and spent some time thinking about the UK general election result. Much good (for the SNP), much bad (another five years of tory rule). There’s a direct line from last year’s referendum result to today’s outcome, but that was far from clear on the morning of September 19th. I don’t know what path the road to independence will take next, but I really hope that when we see another referendum, it will be under Nicola Sturgeon’s leadership.

Walk from Oostzaan to Maarssen

On Sunday 26th April I did another marathon walk, this time from Oostzaan to Maarssen. I set out from our house at about 06:20, and finished at Maarssen Station at about 14:50. The walk tracking app I use on my phone said I’d done about 43.5km. I had taken a few short breaks to rest along the way, and had also been stopping occasionally to take some photos. Even so, that works out at an average of about 5.1 km/h, which I’m happy with for a long distance like that.

My soundtrack for the walk was a selection of my favourite songs from RWBY volumes 1 and 2 (high tempo, to get me moving), followed by the dozen most recent episodes of the 99% Invisible podcast, which has totally become my new favourite thing. That wasn’t quite enought to get me all of the way, so I finished with a couple of episodes of Answer Me This. (Roman Mars was plugging Helen Zaltzman’s new podcast The Allusionist during the promotional segments of 99% Invisible, and I think I’ll have to dive into that soon.)

Some photos from along the way:

Under the Nesciobrug on the Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal
So much canal

Seriously, most of the walk was along the Amsterdam-Rijnkanaal, and it was straight on for mile after mile. Good for keeping your head down and making the distance, not so great for variety of scenery. Many of the tall trees didn’t have their leaves yet, and it looked almost autumnal. Still, it was peaceful, and a nice long stretch.

My feet got sore during the last 5-10km, and I started to shift my balance around, which led to blisters. I think I can do 20-25km walks easily with no effects the next day, but a 40km walk is over a certain limit. Maybe if I’d taken a longer break around lunchtime and re-tied my shoes, or had a change of socks, it would have been easier at the end. I’ll experiment next time.

Edinburgh evening walk

The weather was fabulous while I was in Edinburgh the other week. On the Wednesday evening I took a nice walk into Leith, through Newhaven, past Granton Harbour, up Crewe Road, Orchard Brae and Queensferry Road back into the centre. (I was staying at the EasyHotel again, this time in one of their windowless pods.) I timed it so I was down at Granton Harbour just at sunset.

Granton Harbour at sunset
Granton Harbour at sunset
Granton Harbour at sunset
Granton Harbour at sunset (looking the other way)

The single-person use case for social network software

Vlad Savov on The Verge: The single-person social network is a strangely beautiful thing

All of this social recruitment feels exhausting, but you can work your way past it. Disable a few notifications, decline a few "but you’ll be lonely!" dialogs, and you can begin using the apps to your own purposes. Here’s the thing: social apps happen to be the most versatile and capable mobile software we have available. We take it for granted that we can post instant updates and upload images from anywhere, and that we can return to those archives from anywhere else. The first step to that combination, which we might call the Snapchat component, is indeed easy, however keeping an organized and comprehensive history of everything you’ve posted is a costly affair. Not everyone has the funds for vast server farms to host your countless image and video uploads for free. Social apps usually do.

This crystallized for me this past weekend when I set out to find a good app for keeping a food journal. I don’t want to lose weight or gain muscle, I don’t want others to judge the healthfulness of my meals or estimate my calorie intake — I just want to compile a photo archive. For my own gratification and no one else’s. That immediately disqualified pretty much every dedicated food app out there. They all try to do and track too much, and most don’t have the finances to maintain a free image archive online. […]

And then my search led me to Path. Path puts a time stamp on every post and lets me annotate with the list of ingredients. It’s perfect for what I want to do. I only want a simple visual history and, provided I don’t let anybody in on my Path activities, it’s the cleanest and simplest way of doing it. That’s right, I’m using a social app completely antisocially and benefiting from it. I guess these are the perks of not reading the instructions.

Huh. There is definitely something to that. (via Sean Bonner’s Crowd)