Poe Boew

Last week the New York Public Library opened up an enormous trove of their public domain digital assets (scanned photographs, magazines, pamphplets, etc.).

The first thing I went looking for, of course, were wevboews. I always enjoy seeing historical mentions of them. Here’s an image (circa 1910) I found in a parody of Edgar Allan Poe’s The Raven, featuring not just an ordinary wevboew, but a flying one:

A “Winged Boew” (from NYPL’s digital collection: Art and Picture Collection > Mid-Manhattan Picture Collection > Animals — Cattle)


Mixed Messages, Sunday 10 January 2016

Since watching The Force Awakens at the end of last year, I have been interested in seeing Avatar again. In the years since its release, it seems to have slid out of the popular imagination. With that slide comes the question: was it really that good in the first place? So I watched it this evening for the first time since 2010, and yes, it really was that good. Even now, six years after its release, the visuals are still amazing. The Na’vi are still believable on screen as creatures of flesh and blood rather than mere animations. It remains a powerful story, with solid emotional impact.

As a science-fiction action flick, it has probably started to fade from memory because the world of Pandora hasn’t been revisited in franchise form every couple of years. Tentpole film-making is all about the franchise now. If an original film is any good at all, it gets a sequel. Therefore, if it didn’t get a sequel, how good could it have been? Well, Avatar 2 has long been in the works, and it looks like it will finally hit cinemas in 2017.

It also reminded me of the Imaginary Worlds podcast episode “First Contact”, which talks about how sf invasion stories draw from the historical experience of native peoples.

(Minor spoiler for The Force Awakens ahead.)

In the latest episode of CGP Grey and Brady Haran’s Hello Internet podcast, they spend two and a half hours talking about The Force Awakens. Starting at 2:30:32, Grey talks about his perspective on the scene where Rey goes squee over being on the ship that did the Kessel run in 14 parsecs. Although this is clearly intended as an in-joke, Grey was pained because it invalidates his interpretation of the scene early in A New Hope where Luke and Ben are negotiating terms with Han and Chewie. Grey always thought that Han was bullshitting them with the line about twelve parsecs. Han — a noted scoundrel — was trying to see if they were suckers enough to fall for the line, so he could hike up the price of their passage.

In the expanded universe books, the line is explained away by crediting Han with a brand new shortcut on the Kessel run, but I find the idea of him as a bullshitter far more compelling.

I sympathise with Grey’s feeling of disappointment when a sequel rules out a pet interpretation. At the end of the game Portal, I chose to interpret the song “Still Alive” as sincere. GLaDOS was genuinely happy at Chell having finally escaped. (She says it herself! “I’m not even angry; I’m being so sincere right now.”) This was what she had been working on for so long: to produce a clone who would make it all the way through her trials, thus proving herself strong enough to take on the horrors of the outside world. The lyrics and melody of the song are triumphant yet sad that Chell, for whom GLaDOS appears to care (in her own twisted way), finally has to depart. It’s a beautiful song that tells (in my mind) a very specific story, one that is completely ruined by Portal 2.

I’m not bitter, just disappointed. Still.

Back on the subject of Star Wars, I only recently came across Star Wars Ring Theory. This offers a mind-blowing re-evaluation of the three prequel films in the light of narrative ring composition (also known as chiastic structures). If this is genuinely how Lucas set out to make the films, it’s clear why he chose to write and direct all three of them himself: because he was the only one who could force through that particular vision. It’s also an excellent example that clever does not always mean good.

Via Kottke, This Man Ate Only Junk Food for 30 Days and Lost 11 Pounds:

I wolf down an early dinner of corn chips, Cheez-Its, beef jerky, and Fig Newtons before I head to a restaurant for a date. She orders the fish; I order whiskey.

“You’re not eating?” asks the waitress.

“I’m on a cleanse.”

“But you can drink whiskey?”

“It’s a new kind of cleanse.”

What Can A Technologist Do About Climate Change by Bret Victor is a deep dive into the biggest problem of our time:

This is aimed at people in the tech industry, and is more about what you can do with your career than at a hackathon. I’m not going to discuss policy and regulation, although they’re no less important than technological innovation. A good way to think about it, via Saul Griffith, is that it’s the role of technologists to create options for policy-makers

Your Two Jobs as a Manager by Elizabeth Spiers resonated with me, and I’m still chewing it over:

Nothing sets people up to fail faster than being unclear about what you expect them to achieve in their jobs. One of the mistakes that I see a lot of first-time managers make is failing to do this from the outset. They worry more about building up a good friendly rapport with the people they’re managing (which is not unimportant*) and many of them try a little too hard to be liked because they have some guilt about being the authority figure in the relationship, which is often a new experience for them. The downside of this is that if expectations are not articulated in the beginning, there’s a good chance that the employees flail because they are trying to please the boss and do the right thing, but don’t know what is actually required, or they lose respect for the manager because they assume the manager doesn’t actually know what their objectives should be.

This recipe for almond butter and quinoa blondies is a good basis for wheat/gluten free chocolate brownies, if you replace the quinoa with oatmeat flour and add sufficient quantities of cocoa. One could also make these with cannabis-infused butter, if one were so inclined.

Some thoughts on the Lumia 930

When Abi got an iPhone 6 in the autumn of 2014, Alex got Abi’s old iPhone 5, and I inherited the iPhone 4 he had been using until then. This was Abi’s iPhone 4 from 2010. I had been using a Nexus 4, and I was not enormously happy with it. It was fine as a phone, but I don’t like the intrusiveness of Google’s services under Android.

The iPhone 4 is stuck on iOS 7. It can’t update to iOS 8 or 9. Its hardware, awesome as it was back in 2010 (I remember very clearly how excited everyone was about the retina screen), is very out of date now. App developers aren’t even trying to cater for it any more. Back in October, the latest version of Google Maps crashed whenever I tried to open it, and the latest version of Spotify couldn’t play music without stuttering. The phone’s hardware was starting to fail as well: the home button only worked intermittently.

I wanted a new phone. The iPhone 6S had just landed, but was really expensive, especially because I wanted the OIS feature, which is only available in the 6S Plus model. Similarly specced cameras were available on a variety of Android phones, but I still don’t trust Android. So how about…a Windows phone again? Microsoft announced the new Lumia 950 phones at the start of October, but they wouldn’t be available until December, and they were still going to be expensive. But last year’s model, the Lumia 930, was still available, and had come down in price quite a bit. I was able to get one for under €300.

Ever since using an LG Optimus 7 back in 2011, I have liked the Windows Phone (“Metro”) interface. The design language speaks to me. Apart from the sometimes curious back button behaviour, I find it very natural to use, and delightful to look at. I like the hardware design of the Nokia Lumia phones, too. They’re sleek, well-built, understated. I had been a little concerned that the un-expandable 32GB memory would be too little for me, but that hasn’t been a problem so far. This might be because of what most people perceive as the main problem with Windows Phone: apps, or the lack of them.

Maybe I’m not a typical smartphone user , but I just don’t use many apps. I’m not constantly scouring the app store for the latest games, and I have never integrated my phone into my “productivity workflow” like others have. (Listening to the Cortex podcast with Myke Hurley and CGP Grey, especially the early episodes, is a fascinating glimpse into the lives of people who do much, if not most of their work on mobile devices.) When it comes down to it, there are only a few essential apps I need/use/want on my phone:

  • Phone calls. This definitely isn’t the most-used aspect of my phone, but I do still need it.
  • Text messaging. I’m not a heavy messaging user, but I still text more often than I speak on the phone.
  • Camera. This is the most important feature for me. I had been taking fewer and fewer photos with the iPhone 4 because I kept being disappointed by its camera.
  • Music. My experience of Apple Music was so bad that I have almost entirely stopped using iTunes. I was part-way there earlier in the year, but iTunes 12.2 was so egregiously bad that it was the final straw. I use Spotify just about all the time now.
  • Web browser.
  • Maps
  • Podcasts. I listen to a lot of podcasts now.
  • Email. I don’t like email, and I rarely write email from my phone, but it’s sometimes useful to see what has come in.
  • Find My Friends.

Optional: some kind of video player to play mp4 files, Netflix, Dropbox, 1Password, weather, GPS tracking. Calendar? Yeah whatever.

All of this is easily available on the Windows Phone platform. The built-in camera app and photo viewer are good enough. The Spotify app isn’t as polished as the iOS version, but it works. The built-in podcasts app is basic, but fine. Some websites hate it, but Internet Explorer does the job. The maps apps get me where I need to go. Life360 seems to be an adequate, and above all cross-platform replacement for Apple’s native Find My Friends tool. Apps open quickly, and when they’re open they’re responsive.

Better yet is the feeling of not being locked in to the iOS or Android platform.

There are a few niggles, of course. The first one was not a problem with Windows Phone, but rather with Apple: getting me off of iMessage. Abi still has her iPhone. It took us a couple of weeks to get to the point where she could actually send me an ordinary text message again, without iOS “helpfully” trying to route it over the iMessage system to the phone I no longer had with me. It’s annoying of Apple that they don’t have a better and more obvious way for people to leave their ecosystem. (The “Deregister iMessage” is neither good nor obvious.)

Getting a case for it is hard. Very few retail stores (at least here in NL) stock cases for Windows phones.

The Dropbox app is a disappointment. On the iPhone, it was an essential part of my photos workflow. I would take photos and videos, then let Dropbox automatically sync them to my “Camera Uploads” folder, and from there I’d pick them up on my laptop. It worked fine. On Windows phone, not only will Dropbox not sync videos, it also sometimes skips photos. Just often enough that I can’t trust it, and have to double-check that it has grabbed everything. If it has missed something, I have to use the Nokia Photo Transfer tool to import the missing photos manually, because Dropbox forever refuses to catch up with them again. Finally, if I allow it to run in the background, it crashes the phone entirely every 12 hours or so, putting it into a mode where it doesn’t receive phone or text messages, but doesn’t actually reboot & work again until I try to unlock it.

This annoyance is compounded by the fact that the latest version of OSX El Capitan has dropped the ability to natively talk to Windows Phones. So no automatic import into iPhoto. The Windows Phone Connector app has been deprecated, and doesn’t work on El Capitan any more. The only thing that does work is the rather primitive Nokia Photo Transfer tool.

Did I say “disappointment” and “annoyance”? I meant “hideous mess that will lead to data loss.” Don’t use Dropbox for Windows Phone.

But overall, I like it. It takes pretty good photos. It plays music and podcasts when I’m in the car, and in other transport. I can read web pages and check my email. The battery life is fantastic — it just keeps going for days. It’s neither iOS nor Android, and it was satisfyingly inexpensive compared to other flagship phones. I’m kinda looking forward to Windows 10 when it arrives, but I don’t think it’ll change how I use it. Which is good, because that means I’m not heavily locked in to the Windows ecosystem either, and will be able to leave it easily when the time comes.

Christmas shopping

Fiona: “Sloth face!”

Me: “What’s a sloth face?”

Fiona: “This is a sloth face.”

Me: “Oh, I see. What does your sloth face look like, Alex?”

Alex: “I don’t do sloth face.”

Me: “Fair enough.”

Adam Toren: “Look at meeeee!”

Dotan at Ziggo Dome, Monday 21 December 2015

My last concert of the year was Dotan at the Ziggo Dome. I don’t think I would have gone to see him on my own, but Fiona is a big fan. We took a friend of Fiona’s along as well, and had an excellent evening. Support was by Alex Vargas. His music wasn’t to Fiona’s taste, but I liked it. He’s coming back to Amsterdam for a solo gig at Tolhuistuin in March. I might try to catch him again.

Dotan only has one album, but he’s a local artist who has made it big internationally, and he was able to sell out the Ziggo Dome with ease. The home crowd loved him. He put on a fantastic set, with five percussionists on stage. (Some of them played other instruments throughout the set, too.) He told stories between songs, and the video wall behind the stage showed beautiful footage he had shot recently on a trip to Iceland. When the main set ended, Fiona was shocked — actually shocked — that he hadn’t played “Home“. I explained that artists will sometimes hold back a big hit until the very end of the show (especially if they haven’t had many), because that’s often what pulled people in to the concert in the first place. (People are better at remembering the last thing they hear in a concert or presentation. Psychology.) And indeed, he came on for an encore, and played us out with “Home”.

On our way out, we bought a sweatshirt for Fiona, and a beanie hat for her friend. They didn’t have sweatshirts in Fiona’s normal size, so she got a Large one instead. It is ridiculously huge, but it suits her anyway.

(After dropping Fiona’s friend off, I played Snow Patrol’sRun” in the car, because Dotan’s voice had been reminding me of Gary Lightbody’s throughout the gig. She didn’t agree.)

Note for future self: avoid the food at the Ziggo Dome. The frites taste weird. I had some at the Foo Fighters gig, and I ate Fiona’s leftovers at this gig, after she decided they didn’t taste very good. I agreed, but ate them anyway. Upset digestion after both events. Might be connected.

New York in December

Monday travel & Brooklyn for dinner with Patrick & Teresa. Offensively soft bed at the Hyatt Union Square. (Do American hotels compete on how soft they can make their beds?) Sore neck all week as a result.

Tuesday work, work. Quick visit to the Nintendo World Store for souvenirs. Dinner at Mighty Quinn’s Barbeque on 2nd and 6th. Barcade on St. Marks Pl. Snuffle at Strand Bookstore and Forbidden Planet just round the corner from hotel.

Wednesday work, work. Sushi at Yama on 17th Street — my first time eating at an actual sushi restaurant rather than supermarket sushi. Also edamame for the first time. Walk to Times Square. So much light. Visit to M&M’s World! One product; a million ways of co-branding. Carry on up Broadway to Columbus Circle. Hang out on Umpire Rock & play on the swings at the adjacent playground. Colleagues bar-hop their way back to hotel; I take the subway and skip the booze.

Thursday work, work. Subway to Brooklyn to see the Nets play the 76ers at the Barclays Center. (Jewish Heritage Night.) 100-91 after wasting a 10-point lead in the 3rd quarter. Go Nets! Foam fingers and thundersticks. Strand Bookstore again

Friday work, work. Retrospective. Walk around the block for donuts and coffee from Dough on 14th. Super-quick last-minute shopping at the Christmas market on Union Square before subway to Penn Station and train to Newark. Plane home.