20181031 That’s no moo..actually never mind carry on

Half moon hanging in the sky above some chimneys

Went for lunch with John today. Mamma’s pizza in the Grassmarket, rather than the grilled cheese place, but I will try to get there tomorrow of Friday. My usual pizza is pepperoni and jalopeños, but I cut out the pepperoni and had pineapple instead. Very tasty!

Afterwards I went to the cinema and saw Halloween. I listened to the John Carpenter episode of Song Exploder on the plane yesterday, and I felt inspired to go and see the new film. It’s good. The new theme updates the original in subtle ways, and is still just as mesmerizingly effective.

Daily self-care checklist:

  • Sleep: good, if a little shorter than I would have liked because my flight was delayed and I got in very late.
  • Walk: yes, probably 7-8km around Edinburgh.
  • Bass: no
  • Photography: a little. It was dark when I got out of the cinema.
  • Snacks: maltesers at the cinema, and I’m nibbling o some peanuts in my room now.
  • Meat: no