Went for lunch with John today. Mamma’s pizza in the Grassmarket, rather than the grilled cheese place, but I will try to get there tomorrow of Friday. My usual pizza is pepperoni and jalopeños, but I cut out the pepperoni and had pineapple instead. Very tasty!
Afterwards I went to the cinema and saw Halloween. I listened to the John Carpenter episode of Song Exploder on the plane yesterday, and I felt inspired to go and see the new film. It’s good. The new theme updates the original in subtle ways, and is still just as mesmerizingly effective.
Daily self-care checklist:
- Sleep: good, if a little shorter than I would have liked because my flight was delayed and I got in very late.
- Walk: yes, probably 7-8km around Edinburgh.
- Bass: no
- Photography: a little. It was dark when I got out of the cinema.
- Snacks: maltesers at the cinema, and I’m nibbling o some peanuts in my room now.
- Meat: no