Computing and government

Probably because of some grave misdeed in her murky past, Abi is afflicted by a free subscription to “Computing“, a technology magazine aimed at perpetuating ignorance amongst mid-level managers in large corporations and governmental organizations, and funded by the advertising of consultancy groups that thrive on said lack of knowledge. The only reason I ever give it a second glance before recycling it is the Dilbert cartoon on the back page, and even it is rarely funny any more.

But for some reason, I scanned the front page of the February 28 edition, and was struck by the awesome badness of the following lede:

The government is considering anti filesharing legislation as part of plans for the UK to become “the World’s creative hub”.

Wow. In an earlier age, the quote would have been:

The government is considering legislation to combat direct dialling as part of plans for the UK to become “the World’s hub of telephone operators”.


The government is considering legislation to combat budget airlines as part of plans for the UK to become “the World’s hub of rail travel”.


The government is considering legislation to combat manufacture of plastics and other composite materials as part of plans for the UK to become “the World’s centre of iron and steel production”.

You get the point. It’s this kind of thinking that keeps the UK steadfastly on the road to compulsory identity cards. Sigh.

Update–Special contest! Write the funniest quote in the form:

The government is considering legislation to combat X as part of plans for the UK to become “the World’s Y“.

Winner gets a free hyperlink.


3 Replies to “Computing and government”

  1. Probably because of some grave misdeed in her murky past

    You still don’t get the tester thing, do you? I don’t do evil; I am evil. Computing subscriptions, like travel mishaps, are just part of the package deal.

  2. I used to get Computing magazine and after four weeks worth would pile up I just ignored their requests for me to renew my details to get a free subscription. In the early days it was massively biased towards IBM everything.

    How about “The government is considering legislation to combat the manufacture of wheels as part of plans for the UK to become “the world centre of excellent for Sedan Chair porters”.

  3. Have you heard the live version of “Shut Us Down” that Liddy did on the “Live From Bass Performance Hall” DVD/CD? It’s aMAzing. . . glad you appreciate his work!

    My Fleetwood Mac blog, Heroes Are Hard To Find is conducting a contest in honor of Lindsey Buckingham’s new album, Gift Of Screws (09.16.08). I thought it might be of interest to you or your readers!

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