Amusing text ads, part 1

Work for the CIA

(Found at the foot of an article on Hey, even the CIA has internal publications, internal web apps, etc. that need designed properly. I just find it amusing that they’re advertising for them via text ads.)

One Reply to “Amusing text ads, part 1”

  1. Ah, what strange things hath been wrought by those craaazy text-ads, especially when they turn up at portal potties. Here’s one I thought was a bit of a hoot.

    Looks like they’ve gone into the illegal street drug business?

    Related Trivia: Is it just me or is it fucking strange how so often these things say “Goooooooooogle Ad Sense”? What’s with all the o’s?

    Nice blog btw and great [unnamed other site you do] which I just discovered and link to which is now in my browser’s ‘Access All The Damn Time’ linkbar zone. Kudos and all that happy horsepiddle.

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