A 400g Toblerone day

You know those days when you just have to eat an entire 400g bar of Toblerone chocolate triangles? I’ve been having a lot of those lately.

Fortunately for my waistline, I haven’t been giving in to the temptation. Today was an exception, though. After several weeks of searching, this morning I accepted a nice job offer, and gave notice of resignation to my current employer. If that’s not worthy of some chocolate gluttony, I don’t know what is.

Failing the arm test

When Alex was younger, we used to use the “arm test” to tell whether he was really asleep, or still just on his way to dreamland. While he was lying on the sofa, or in our laps, we would lift up one of his arms, and then let go. If he was no longer conscious enough to pull his arm away, so that it would just flop limply to his side, we’d say that he had “failed the arm test.” That was generally the point where we considered it was safe enough to move him up to bed without disturbing his sleep.

I’ve been failing the arm test a lot myself lately. While awake.

Even now, two weeks after I first became ill, small amounts of effort still exhaust me. I took Alex into town for a few hours yesterday late afternoon. We did a little bit of walking around, but mostly we sat around on the High Street and watched the street performers. (Festval time–the city is abuzz.) I then came back and slept for twelve hours.

Today, the three of us went into town just before mid-day. We walked around for a little bit, then took a bus back by three o’clock. I collapsed into bed and had to sleep for an hour. When I woke up I felt thick in the head, dizzy, and nauseous.

The humorous cliché to use would be that I’m getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. But that doesn’t actually feel terribly funny right now.

I hate feeling like this. I want to be better.

Sick. Again. Sigh.

It started a week and a half ago with a sore throat. As is normal for me, this became an earache, and then the whole thing dropped down into my chest for a congestion party. Weakness, exhaustion, dizziness. Last Wednesday the doc diagnosed a “non-specific viral infection” (how often have I heard that recently), possibly brought on, and certainly exacerbated by, stress.

Work has been very understanding. In addition to the sick leave I took while I was, well, sick, I’ve also taken a week off to try and get my head back together.

The Crown Inn, HumshaughOn Friday we rented a car and drove down to Northumberland. We found a wonderful little hotel, the Crown Inn in Humshaugh, a few miles out of Hexham. Unfortunately, I woke up on Saturday morning with a rotten headache. I thought it would go away with some breakfast and tea, but it didn’t happen.

Martin and Alex in HexhamWe spent the rest of the day in and around Hexham. Abi assures me that we had a good time, but it’s all a bit of a blur for me. The headache just kept getting worse and worse. Every time I moved my eyes, turned my head, or shifted my posture, I’d be struck down by a vicious pounding right behind my eyes.

Saturday night was awful. Double-doses of paracetamol and ccodeine weren’t helping. Thinking that I might have been dehydrated, I was drinking vast amounts of water. And if I wasn’t just lying on the bed, in the sweltering heat, trying not to toss and turn for fear of the hammering pain, I was getting up every hour to pee. Which, of course, started off the cascade of rippling violence throughout my brain.

By morning I was exhausted, soaking with sweat, still in agony from my head, but now also from my overworked kidneys, and incredibly bored. (I hate it when I’m so ill that I can’t even read.)

Oh, and then I had to drive us back to Edinburgh. Gah.

We made it back and I collapsed. I managed to sleep for a while, but if anything, my head was getting worse. Abi called the emergency doctor service. They reckoned that I was too ill to come to the medical centre, so the on-call doctor came out to see me. She diagnosed an opportunistic bacterial infection in my sinuses. (I hate bacteria. They come in and kick you when you’re down.) So now I’m on antibiotics and some new painkillers, and I’m glad to say that I’m feeling a lot better.

Last night, after the first of the antibiotics had kicked in, and the pressure behind my eyes had relented a little, I almost thought I was fully recovered. But that was probably just because the pain before had been so bad, and any respite felt like nirvana. Now, I’m just back to feeling weak and exhausted again. My head still hurts, just less. I’m still coughing, and still feeling congested, but the phlegm isn’t luminous green any more.

BitesOh yeah, and I’ve got a gum infection behind one of my wisdom teeth, and bizarre, continuously spreading insect bites all over my body. Sigh.


Hottest weekend of the year so far. Saw “Hulk” with Alan on Saturday, took the bus out to Seton Sands and walked to Cockenzie Beach to watch Pablo and Richard kitesurfing. (Well, only Pablo was on the water…Richard was taking photos.) Then we all drove back into town, hooked up with Jess, and bundled out to the nearby pub, where much alcohol was consumed. (Too much, in my case… I keep forgetting that I am out of practice with drinking. When I got home, I unfortunately had to spend some quality time cuddling the porcelain teddy bear.)

Sunday hangover. Slept till 12. Hot again. First BBQ of the year. We had steaks, and also grilled some thick slices of aubergine, dipped in olive oil and liberally sprinkled with salt and pepper. Smoky and savoury on the outside, juicy and sweet on the inside. Yum!

Very hot again today. Went to work in my shorts. Didn’t get laughed at.

More coherent posting soon…maybe…

Edinburgh Joiners

If anyone is looking for a joiner in Edinburgh, we can wholeheartedly recommend Southside Joiners (45 West Nicolson St., 0131 667 9744). They have just hung new doors throughout our house, and fitted new skirting boards in our hallway. They have done an excellent job, and at a very reasonably price, too.

This is going to be a big summer of house work for us. We’ve already painted the hall and the main bedroom, and now we’ve got the doors replaced. Over the next few months we’ll be painting the guest bedroom, and laying new wooden floors upstairs. We’ll also be getting Southside Joiners back to replace the doors of the built-in upstairs wardrobes, put in some new shelves, replace the bannisters on the staircase, and (the big one) build a new porch for our front door.

Oh, and we’re hoping to get a new bathroom at some point, too.

We’ve been in this house for five years now, and apart from laying a wooden floor in the living/dining room in 2001, we haven’t done much work in it in that time. We were thinking about building a conservatory last year, but we had very specific ideas about what we wanted. That took us out of the range of “standard” conservatories, and into the territory of the “specialist” conservatory companies. They produced some lovely designs, but the cost would have been almost 50% of the price for which we bought the whole house. So now we’re moving forward with lots of little projects instead.

Lots of work, but it’s worth it. The house is feeling a lot more sophisticated, complete, and relaxing already.