Rands is curious to see how far he can climb the Google rankings on the word “Spandex“. Help him out!
Ken MacLeod Blog
Another blog I’m going to enjoy: Ken MacLeod, author of some of the best science fiction to come out of Britain in recent years. (Wow–I just realised that it was 1995 when The Star Fraction was published. Eight years ago. WorldCon in Glasgow. I was a teacher. Yikes. So much has changed. Time to re-read it. Especially in the light of current global politics.)
(via Charlie Stross)
Barenaked Ladies Blog!
Oh yay! The Barenaked Ladies have a blog! Where they actually, you know, write stuff. Themselves. That’s highly cool. (Via Michael O’Connor Clarke, whom I must start reading more regularly.)
I just saw that Gary Turner has started hitting the Atkins diet Nutritional Approach, too. Go Gary!
I have also noticed that the bottle of super-hot chicken wing sauce I brought back from the US in March has 0g of carbohydrates per 100ml. Woo yay! (A similar sauce, but of a slightly different brand, can be found at the Rosslyn Deli. It’s the “Anchor Bar Original Buffalo Wing Sauce”. Mmm…spicy.
Thank you, Lisa, for introducing me to Blogshares. Not. Just as I’d managed to kick the RSS habit, along comes another reason to maniacally check on my favourite blogs, and to update my own more regularly in the hope of getting noticed. Well, I’m not falling for it, you hear me? I’m not!
Actually, Blogshares is a pretty cool idea. It’s another tool like Technorati, and the Blogging Ecosystem that illustrates the interconnectedness of weblogs, and helps people to find more stuff that might interest them. Only Blogshares turns this mess of crosslinks and mutual admiration into a game as well.
(I got hooked on Popex a couple of years ago. It’s a similar idea, but you buy shares in pop artists instead of blogs, and your portfolio rises or falls with their fortune in the charts (and other factors, of course). Blogshares sounds more interesting to me, though, because you’re buying shares in people that you know, and who may know you.)
But I’m not going to get hooked on this one. Oh no. I have too many other things on the go right now to get sucked into another addiction.
Aha…it looks like EZPublishing does support mod_rewrite after all. Well, that’ll allow me to kill all the remote linking of Alex’s pictures. It won’t stop people grabbing copies of them and hosting them on their own site. But the password protection will stop them from getting at those photos in the first place.
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^$
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://sunpig.com/.*$ [NC]
RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} !^http://www.sunpig.com/.*$ [NC]
RewriteRule .*\.(jpg|JPG|gif|GIF)$ - [F]