Hot Chip

Listening to Hot Chip’s latest album Freakout/Release, I spotted that I went to see them at Melkweg in December 2019, but I never did an entry here on the blog about it. Hmm. Must do better. There are a few recent gigs that I need to catch up on.

The things I remember about the gig are:

  • Alexis Taylor is smaller than I’d expected.
  • Joe Goddard looked like he didn’t want to be there
  • Owen Clarke (synth, guitar) reminded me of my therapist. He also has some great little shuffle dances around his keyboard.
  • The cover of Sabotage they did as part of their encore was flippin’ amazing. It brought the house down.

As for Freakout/Release, I wasn’t sure about the song “Eleanor” at first, but it has really grown on me.
