It has been very nice weather here for the last few days. I got up early this morning and took a walk to Edam: Twiske – Den Ilp – Ilpendam – Purmer – Edam. I had originally planned to walk up the Oosterweg for the last stretch, but the route map at the crossing between Oosterweg and Monnickedammerweg made it look like there was a walking path along the west bank of the water a little further east. Well, sort of. It’s really just slightly flattened grass along the dyke that you have to share with a lot of sheep. And their byproducts. Having to lift my feet up high to stop getting tangled in the grass was slow and tiring. My walking shoes are wonderfully breathable but not waterproof at all, so I was glad that this came at the end of the walk.

My tracker says the route I took was 20.65km, and I did it in 4h 6m. Not a bad pace at all, considering that last stretch, and all the breaks I took for photos along the way. I had set out shortly before 07:00. When I got to Edam I wandered around for a bit, and then took the bus back (via Amsterdam CS). Alex and Fiona weren’t even up yet ?.