A short list of irrational dislikes. Likely to be first in a series.
FF Dax.
- Just a couple of years ago, Dax felt fresh and interesting. But now it’s ubiquitous (at least here in the UK), I find almost every new instance of it, from McDonalds car parks to cheap toilet paper, simply grating.
- People who start talking on their mobile phones on as soon as the airplane has landed. Or who get up to grab their bags from the overhead cabinets before the seatbelt sign has been turned off.
- These are the ones who will be scrambling the wrong way down the aisle to the exit in the event of a crash, trampling children and old ladies to get there, yet too panicked to be able to open the door once they get there. I fear for my own safety in an emergency because of these people. Fortunately, they’ll all die if we land on water, because they won’t know how to inflate their life jackets.
- Flight crew who don’t do anything about the above.
- You’re not helping.
- People who start eating their food in the supermarket before paying for it
- It’s not yours yet.
- The phrase “just a thought”
- Because it never is “just a thought”, is it? What you’re actually thinking is “You’re a muppet for doing it that way, and I know better, but I’m trying to mask my obvious superiority by pretending to be humble about it.”
Trilogies where first part stands alone, but where the second part doesn’t; usually because the second episode is so poor that without a tense cliffhanger ending you’d have no reason to go and see the final part.
- I’m looking at you, Pirates of the Caribbean.