Movieblog podcast

Richard, who writes for The Movie Blog, has been trying to get an all-Scottish version of their regular podcast going for some time now. On Thursday he finally made it happen! And I got invited along as a guest for the session! So if you feel like hearing the two of us ramble on about the best and worst movies of 2005, head on over to The Movie Blog for the download.

We had some technical troubles that prevented Louise from doing her “Voice Of God” thing, the output volume has ended up quite low, and you can hear the nerves shaking our voices at times. However, given that this was our first podcast ever, I think we managed to not totally suck. Might we do it again? Time will tell…

3 Replies to “Movieblog podcast”

  1. Well Gio you obviously haven’t visited the Movie Blog – I hate advertising commenters.

    Anyway it was great fun doing it Martin, and I hope you liked the intro – no music, but that great voiceover man was fun! Also hope the edits weren’t too harsh for you.

    Definitely we’re doing another one, or my name isn’t Richard Brunton!

  2. Frankly, I was so nervous that my whole memory of the recording is a bit blurred. Listening to it was like hearing it for the first time! The only point where I noticed an edit was just at the end. I thought we wittered on for longer before you called a close to things. Good job you cut us off!

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