Half-Life 2

Holy crap… If you haven’t seen the in-game footage of Half-Life 2 yet, go and download it now. Screenshots have been appearring for the last month or so, and they’ve looked impressive, but not spectacular… But the video just blew me away. The lighting, terrain models and textures make it look like real life. The character models aren’t quite cinema quality, but they’re still shockingly good.

Wow. Looks like I’ve got until 30th September to upgrade my PC.

One Reply to “Half-Life 2”

  1. The most scary words I’ve seen in the last month were “half life 2”, but after the initial terror I think I’m strong enough to resist. I need to upgrade practically every single thing in my PC in order to play it, as well as lose ridiculous amounts of my free time, and I simply can’t justify that to myself any longer….

    Am I turning into an adult?

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