Dada Rocks!

When playing video games with Alex around, I’ve got in the habit of saying “Oh no! Dada’s rubbish!” whenever I make a silly mistake. Alex has picked up on this, and he usually chimes in with a “Dada ubbsh” of his own.

Yesterday afternoon, we were playing Metroid Fusion. It took me a while of getting hammered by Baby Sheegoths before I got the hang of jumping around them. When I did, defeating them was a great triumph. “Yay!” I said. “Dada rocks!”

“Dada wock!” Alex exclaimed. “Yay! Dada wocks!”

That was cool. A little later on, when we turned off the game, Alex grabbed me by the hand, looked up at me, and said again “Dada wocks!” I thought he meant walk, because “walk” is one of the words he knows well. (Along with “doodles” for “shoulders”, and “push” for “pushchair”, these are phrases we use all the time when we’re out and about.)

He led me out of the living room, and to our front door, which he made me open. With another emphatic “Dada wocks,” he clambered down the step, and toddled over to our driveway. He reached down, picked up a handful of gravel, and took it back over to me. He held up his hands and urged me to take the stones.

“Dada rocks!”

Thanks, Alex. 🙂