Server hiccups

If you came by the sunpig web site in the last 24 hours or so, you may have noticed a things looking a little weird. The server we’re running on is in the process of being upgraded, and in the process it blew a gasket (or something like that). (There’s a longer explanation, but I can’t be bothered explaining it all right now, and frankly, you don’t care, do you? <sniff>) The nice tech folks at EZPublishing, responsive and friendly as always, are on the case, and the site should be back to normal now.

It’s possible that the site may move to a different physical machine to stop problems like this happening again. If that turns out to be the case, will probably end up with a different IP address. This new IP address will take some time to get propagated out through the DNS system, and so you may find you can’t get through to our web site at all for a day or two. If this happens, don’t worry. If you get really concerned, drop us an email or something. We’d like to hear from you.

No, really.

Last week this site got hits from over 300 distinct IP addresses. Some of those are search engines, and some can be put down to folks on dial-up connecting with a different IP address each time. But even if you discard 90% of that traffic, we still don’t have that many friends and relatives who know about this site. So who are you, and what are you doing here?

I meant that in a nice way, of course.