20221018 Leaving an impression

The builders only took a couple of hours to cover the under-floor heating pipes with concrete. Solo only took a moment to escape from the bedroom and race downstairs to make his mark. Fortunately he only took a couple of leaps before jumping off, perhaps surprised at the texture of the surface.

The concrete firmed up during the course of the day, and eventually it was solid enough that we felt we could let the boys out without them doing more damage to it.

Not too worried about the paw print. It’ll be covered by tiles soon enough, though as Abi says, we’ll always know it’s there.

20221015 On the water

I’ve been neglecting my daily walks. Last week was busy at work, and chaotic around the house. I got out in the morning and took a walk through ‘t Twiske. The day was overcast, but not cold. It drizzled a bit towards the end, and I was wet when I got home. But it was good to clear my lungs of all the accumulated concrete and plaster dust. While I was out, Abi did a ton of vacuuming around house, and mopped the construction site to catch a lot of the dust that would otherwise have just puffed up again.

Took some photos while I was out, but most of them came out a bit meh. I clambered under the bridge across the water on the Twiskeweg where a few doves were nesting. The light wasn’t great, and everything came out a bit dim. The photo above uses the Fujifilm “Classic Chrome” film simulation mode, which I don’t use very often, but which seemed to suit the slightly washed-out feel of the day.

20221014 Metrocard

I finally got around to doing my expenses for the trip to New York in September. I took the subway and PATH trains a lot while I was there. The company’s expenses policy allows us to take a taxi from the airport, but I prefer public transport. Public transport around New York city is pretty good.