Movable Type macros for Everything2

Back in the (good/bad…proabably bad) old days when the sunpig site was running on some scraps of PHP code I’d cobbled together myself, it had the ability to automatically convert Everything2 style hard links and pipe links. This meant that we could copy and paste content between here and E2 without doing any extra editing.

When we moved over to Movable Type, though, we lost that facility We gained much, much more in the process, though. But now that Movable Type has support for macros, thanks to the incredibly cool Brad Choate, I can put these E2 links back.

All that is required are two macros:

<MTMacroDefine name="e2hardlink" pattern="m/\[([^\|]*?)\]/">
<a href="<MTNull encode_url="1"><MTMacroMatch position="1"></MTNull>" title="<MTMacroMatch position="1">"><MTMacroMatch position="1"></a></MTMacroDefine>

<MTMacroDefine name="e2pipelink" pattern="m/\[(.*?)\|(.*?)\]/">
<a href="<MTNull encode_url="1"><MTMacroMatch position="1"></MTNull>" title="<MTMacroMatch position="2">"><MTMacroMatch position="2"></a></MTMacroDefine>

Nifty! But probably of more use to Abi, because I don’t tend to post on E2 these days.

Presto! Opera 7 on the way!

The word has been filtering out for a while now, but Opera have only just now put up a link on their home page to announce that Opera version 7 due soon–at least in beta form. Drool.

Opera is fast and efficient, and has a number of features that make web browsing so much easier than IE. Mozilla has the features, but is still icky slow. But what Opera has lacked so far is W3C DOM support, i.e. effective support for DHTML. And this is just one of the things they’ll be bringing to version 7. I can hardly wait! I just hope they make their beta program widely available!

A syllabus for Information Architecture

Peter Morville (he of the Polar Bear book) outlines a syllabus for a college-level course in Information Architecture. I don’t know if the course is definitely running, or if it’s just a proposal, but the content sure looks interesting. Unsurprisingly, he uses the Polar Bear book for a lot of the course reading material, but he points to a vast amount of other useful stuff along the way. looks like I’ve got my reading list for the weekend sorted out…

Old site, new site, red site, blue site

Okaaaaayyyy…. We should be rolling with the new design now! The front page is up, and all the indicidual entries are being archived off to their individual places. We have a (still pretty basic) search, and even comments are working!

Still to to, though:

  • Add the category archives
  • Convert the monthly archives
  • Tweak the permalinks to be proper slashforward links
  • Update the sidebar. (Lots of sub-tasks here…)
  • And then, maybe, I can go back and clean up some of the HTML in the old content.

I think I need to go to bed now, though…