20221008 Still masking

In New York and New Jersey in September, I was surprised by how many people were still masking. And not just indoors, but outdoors as well. It wasn’t a majority of the people, to be sure, but it was a decent proportion. On the PATH trains the majority of people wore coverings.

Here in Oostzaan, masking is effectively at zero. I confess that I didn’t wear a mask when I went to pick up Fiona from Schiphol on Thursday. I forgot. I felt bad. I was masked up when I went shopping this afternoon, though, and for the first time in ages someone threw a negative comment at me. “Trek toch dat mondkapje af,” (“Just take off the mask”) a man said as he passed me in one aisle. I ignored him.

Yeah, nah. The Dutch public health authorities have scaled way back on tracking and reporting. The dashboards are only being updated a couple of times a week, and only selective parts of them. At least they acknowledge that “de najaarsgolf is begonnen.” (The autumn wave has started.) The waste water analysis charts probably paint the most reliable overall picture right now, and it’s not exactly rosy.

Still, my behaviour is different now than at earlier points along that chart. I may be taking more risks now than before, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to take all the risks.

20221007 Wet flor

One of the last things the builders did on Thursday was make a quick pilot cut in the floor of the kitchen. Unfortunately, they struck an unexpected heating pipe. It was late in the day and they couldn’t get a plumber out to us until the next morning, so we had no heat or hot water overnight. It may be October, but the weather is still mild, so we didn’t freeze. They were with us again by 07:30 the next morning, ready to do the rest of the drilling to prepare for installing the new under-floor heating.

Fiona is here! We caught up on episodes 6, 7, and 8 of She-Hulk in the evening. Cliffhanger before the finale! No episode 7 flashback. I’m glad that Emil Blonsky genuinely did go off to run a meditation retreat in the countryside, and that his parole from prison wasn’t just a supervillain fake-out. I hope the showrunners don’t turn back on that at the end. Abomaste.


20221006 Not coming out

The builders made a lot of noise today. Rocky spent most of the day under the bed. It’s his safe place.

Fiona is coming back this evening! It’s her first mid-term break away from home, and she’s going to be back for two weeks. I’ll be picking her up from Schiphol later.

20221005 Kitchen

This probably isn’t going to turn into a kitchen renovation blog. Probably.

Our builders, Leguijt, started on the work today. Step 1: strip the old kitchen bare.

Without all the furniture and appliances, it it really still a kitchen any more? Maybe not. For a while there it was just a space, an extension of the living area . Then Abi put the cats’ food in it, at which point it became a dining room.

20221004 Incoming

Having discovered that all the upcoming gigs for De Staat are sold out, yesterday evening I had a look at the agenda for Son Mieux, another Dutch band I’ve been enjoying lately. Turns out all of their gigs in NL are sold out for the rest of the year as well, but they’re playing 013 in Tilburg in April 2023, so I’ve snagged a ticket for that date.

I’ve also got tickets to see Maggie Rogers in Melkweg in November, and Meute in Paradiso in December. Circumstances permitting, of course.