Scotsman in the Netherlands. EasyJet far-too-frequent flier. Music lover. Corvid appreciator. Sometimes I write code. Other times I make cookies. This blog is mostly about things that make and keep me happy. on Mastodon, for now. Social, yes. Media, yes. Social media, no. Once again, I’ve come to the conclusion that being active on social media is bad for my own mental health. (It might be fine for you, but I can’t handle it.)
Nice motorbike. I’m a sad person, it made me think of Dark Angel. Post nuclear incident, kawasaki ninja etc etc.
Recent developments!
Hehe…remindes me of the old joke…
Q. Why is it a bad idea to wear Russian Y-Fronts?
A. Cause Chernobyl fall-out!
Dum dum dum tish.