I’ve been hoarding some of these for a while… time to linkdump!
- Blogging: Joe Haldeman, author of science fiction classics like The Forever War, Mindbridge, Forever Peace also posts a regular diary to his web site. Haldeman is a great writer, and reading his diary entries is fascinating.
- Design: From Boxes and Arrows, “Ten Quotable Moments: Challenges and Responses for UI Designers“, an article by Brian R. Krause about some typical issues that User Interface designers encounter.
- Design: Typography lessons from Adobe.
- Techie: Javascript objects are also, in fact, hashtables. I learned this about four years ago, and then completely forgot about it until last month. Nuts. When I think of all the time I could have saved…
- Funny: Primate Programming Inc: The Evolution of Java and .NET Training
- Funny: New craze? Playing dead.
- Writing: Jakob Nielsen on Information Pollution. Writing concise prose is hard. There’s a quote, variously attributed to Mark Twain or George Bernard Shaw: “I didn’t have time to write a short letter, so I wrote a long one instead.” True.
- Techie: A simple introduction to data compression with the LZW algorithm.
- Funny: What happens when you replace the word “wand” with “wang” in the Harry Potter books?
- Amazing: The BBC is going to give the public full access to its archives. Danny O’Brien writes about why this is a hugely significant move. I love the idea. For a monthly fee (the TV License fee) we get to download stuff at will. It’s going to work for the BBC. Is it really too much to ask for the music industry to take a look at the business model?
- Iraq: Nice one, USA. Nice one, Britain. Nice one, Coalition of the Willing to Fuck Up Millions of People’s Lives.