- Fun with credit card signatures
- Fun with loyalty card barcodes
- Google, Ya Radge! (Probably only amusing for Scottish readers…) (Via Alister Black) (Also, here’s a screenshot in case Google’s humour-impaired lawyers attack the site.)
- Nerd Attention Defecit Syndrome (NADD). Also, show off your NADDs. (That pun works best for British English speakers.)
- OpenOffice reaches version 1.1. OpenOffice is the leading open-source replacement for Microsoft Office. One of the most interesting features of this release is the export to PDF function. One of the downsides of using OpenOffice was its inability to fully mimic the Microsoft Word document. If you wanted to send someone a document, you’d never be quite sure they’d see it exactly as you intended. But PDF solves that. Nifty.