All posts by Martin

London photos!

New teeth! New tongue!


In the hotel room’s bath


Alex has discovered that he loves swings!


Chewing on a spoon, in a cafe near the Serpentine


Feeding the birds


Feeding the baby


Crawling around in the departure lounge’s play area


Mince & Tatties

Alex continues to eat more of the same foods as Abi and I do. This evening, it was that classic Scottish dish, mince & tatties. Just onion, beef mince, mashed potatoes and some gravy. As usual with savoury evening meals, he ate about half of the bowl we made for him. He’ll get the rest for his lunch tomorrow 🙂

B hits six months; six months hits back


Alex loves his new high chair – and the muffins that go with it!



Still unsure about the Pop Up People, though…

Daddy & B together: playing games, and reading books



Visiting Scott & Ange


The tiny tub’s too tiddly! Baby begins big boy bath!






Alex discovers wooden blocks. Dad wallows in nostalgia…


Alex explores the third dimension (all poses unassisted)


Scary Halloween baby!


September 2001: The further adventures of B

1 September: What’s small, cute, and makes a lot of noise? B, or our vacuum cleaner?


1 September: The kilt & the kid


5 September: Sleepy B, sleepy dad


5 September: Couch potato in training


6 September: The world turns while B sleeps


6 September: Grandma! Stop poking me!


6 September: Granda & Grandma Sutherland, and Mr. Elephant


7 September: Scott & Ange are B’s willing playthings.


13, 14 September: Mommy & B in Aberdeen.


14 September: Grandma McLean, Great-aunt Cath, B, and Mr. Elephant.


14 September: B teaches dad to play pool.


14, 15 September: Out & about in Grampian (Braemar & Ballater).


15 September: I’ve told you before…if you stick it in my mouth, I’ll consider it food!


15 September: Granda Sutherland, B, and the backpack.


15 September: Playtime in Murthly.


21 September: Norma, Ange, & B


21 September: Okay. You lot have your coffee. I’ll just sit here and eat my feet.


21 September: In mouth, food. Deal?


23 September: How cute can one baby boy get?


23, 25 September: I love my mommy, and my mommy loves me.


28 September: B finds his way into the drinks cabinet, crawls around a bit, then falls asleep. (Kind of like his dad.)



27 July – 30 August 2001: A month of B

28 July: B meets dog.


1 August: Standy-up man!


9 August: I can only hold this face for so long… oh–too late.


10 August: Sleepy B.


11 August: A day with the Bonellas.



26 August: Good and evil…


26 August: …or just a baby boy?


28 August: Who turned the lights out?


30 August: A boy and his elephant.



29 May – 15 July 2001: Susan’s trip, and other stories.

Dad…Dad, you’re scaring me.


More arthouse B



Sleeping like a baby


Who are you?


B’s Big Amsterdam Adventure


You will join us on the Dark Side, Luke… (B’s imitation of Emperor Palpatine)


Grandma Foley and B at Craigmillar Castle


Making faces (some happy, some scary)



Dad & B. (Note that picture #3 is Martin, not Scott!)


Visit to Murthly


An experiment with mushy banana (15 July 2001)