A few weeks ago he started pulling himself to his knees; now Alex pulls himself to his feet whenever he can. And he has started cruising! If he pulls himself up on a suitable object, like a coffee table, he is just capable of inching himself sideways a little with his hands, and moving his little feet to keep up.
He’s still not very stable while doing this, but it’s a start. A start on the road to walking.
I can hardly believe it, but just in the last two days (since we got back from Chollerford), Alex has started climbing things. Every thing. So long as it has something he can grab onto, he’ll wrap his chubby little fingers around it, and pull himself up to his knees. Occasionally, if he can get a very good grip, he’ll pull himself up to his feet.
Before this weekend, he had still just been commando-crawling with his feet and elbows. He was pushing himself up to his hands and knees regularly, and then falling sideways, catching himself in a sideways reclining position.
But the sudden push towards the vertical is a real quantum leap. From one day to the next it seems like his development has moved forward by a month. Wow.
Alex continues to eat more of the same foods as Abi and I do. This evening, it was that classic Scottish dish, mince & tatties. Just onion, beef mince, mashed potatoes and some gravy. As usual with savoury evening meals, he ate about half of the bowl we made for him. He’ll get the rest for his lunch tomorrow 🙂
Kind of like chicken in a basket, but it doesn’t taste as good. Smells worse, too.

“…Marlon had made plans just in case the worst should happen. He had secret noo-noo supplies all over the house…”

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