Open Thread, Just In Case

There’s server work on a site I hang out on tonight. If it all goes wrong, people can come over here and discuss how to make it better, or just chat.

JM Barrie, of Peter Pan fame, once described his writing as “playing hide and seek with angels.”

How, in a good* moment, would you describe your work†?


* or strange**
† either the thing that pays or your life’s work‡
** to the extent that there is a difference
vide supra

10 thoughts on “Open Thread, Just In Case”

  1. Good thought, abi.

    abi asked: How, in a good* moment, would you describe your work? … either the thing that pays or your life’s work

    How about both?

    Helping people find the information they need and the stuff they want to read.

    Increasing the world’s supply of cuddlyness.

  2. Thanks, abi. If things do go south I may be better off than I am right now; the nannyfilter at work lets me post here, but not on most threads in Making Light.*

    * including the Open Thread, where I really would like to post something I’ve been sitting on.

  3. Rainflame,

    You could start it. Or I could tell you about the flat on my old commute to work (10 years ago now, in a different country, even), whose windows were filled with geraniums. Not the windowsills, but entire windows.

    Must have been dark but fragrant in there, with the peculiar musty scent that geranium leaves give off.

  4. Mary Aileen,

    Since I work in the field of library catalog browsing software, I’m right with you on the day job. But I tend to be nonspecific, and just say “information technology, old and new.

  5. My work? Hermn… these days I’d be hard pressed to define it, much less describe it.

    Most important, helping Maia survive grad school. On it’s good days I make her world an easy place. On a good day I just make the load bearable. We shan’t discuss the bad days.

    My photography. When it’s on, it’s sublime. I can see the image I want to get, and I can know I got it. Then come the workaday wonders. When I am editing and see something I didn’t know I caught.

    Which is all about what I truly love about photography. It makes things ephemeral immortal. The thing one sees is gone when someone sees it; the light stops moving. The camera freezes it, and new light can revive a lost moment.

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