Weekend Whittering

We have been having a busy wee weekend here at the Evilrooster’s Nest, after Friday’s high-energy activities.

On Saturday, the kids and I went out for a brief expedition to the local shopping centre and (more importantly) the play park right nearby. It was a frosty morning.


Taken 18 February 2006

But the crocus was just beginning to bloom in the park.


Both taken 18 February 2006

Fiona decided to take a route through the play structure that required her to cross a wobbly bridge. She was brave, but cautious.


Both taken 18 February 2006

We walked home, past the dry hedges in the suburban front gardens.


Taken 18 February 2006

My in-laws then came over and took the kids for a long expedition to a soft play area, while Martin got some quiet time and I took a nap (sleep can be hard to come by in a busy household). M and I then went out to dinner and a film, leaving the kids in Ian and Sheila’s very capable hands.

This morning, after sundry shopping expeditions, we all ended up at the Cuddy Brae (pub with grub) for the classic family lunch. The children were beautifully behaved, the conversation pleasant, and the food good if excessive. Ideal. Even the car park plants were looking pretty good.


Taken 19 February 2006

Who says you have to do exotic things to have a good time?

2 thoughts on “Weekend Whittering”

  1. It’s always fun to hear about the pleasure that ordinary events, places and people can bring.Thank you for writing it. Your entry reminds me that it’s in the ordinary that we find the connections to each other and creation that make us human beings.

  2. I was wondering if the Whittering referred in the heading was a person/s or rather a place in England…

    Reason being that I am a Whittering and thus far been unable to locate any other in the world…

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