Category Archives: Friday Commons

Friday Illumination: Through my tears

Phoebe Anna Traquair’s illuminated copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’ - Sonnet 30

Phoebe Anna Traquair’s illuminated copy of Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘Sonnets from the Portuguese’ – Sonnet 30. From the National Library of Scotland, via Flickr Commons.

I see thine image through my tears tonight,
And yet to-day I saw thee smiling. How
Refer the cause? Beloved, is it thou
Or I, who makes me sad The acolyte
Amid the chanted joy and thankful rite
May so fall flat, with pale insensate brow,
On the altar-stair. I hear thy voice and vow,
Perplexed, uncertain, since thou art out of sight,
As he, in his swooning ears, the choir’s amen.
Belovëd, dost thou love? or did I see all
The glory as I dreamed, and fainted when
Too vehement light dilated my ideal,
For my soul’s eyes? Will that light come again,
As now these tears come – falling hot and real?

Friday Ephemera: Food

Catalog, Theodore Payne, Seedsman and Nurseryman, Los Angeles [cover] Catalog, Theodore Payne, Seedsman and Nurseryman, Los Angeles [back cover]

Catalog, Theodore Payne, Seedsman and Nurseryman, Los Angeles [cover], California business ephemera collection, courtesy, California Historical Society, CHS2013.1326 [a] and [b].jpg.


  1. buy it with thought
  2. cook it with care
  3. serve just enough
  4. save what will keep
  5. eat what would spoil
  6. home-grown is best

don’t waste it

More on Theodore Payne here. His foundation for the preservation of California native plants remains.

Via Flickr Commons.

Friday Typography: Quadratuuralphabet

Alfabet | Alphabet

J.L.M. Lauweriks. Alphabet, [1900]. NAI Collection, LAUW 85. Via Flickr Commons.

Lauweriks was als theoreticus en praktisch kunstenaar van grote invloed op stromingen die aan het begin van de 20e eeuw opkomen, zoals de Amsterdamse School, De Stijl en Bauhaus. Hij was bovendien een belangrijke verspreider van de proportieleer of het systeemdenken.

As a theorist and an artist, Lauweriks exerted great influence on early 20th-century movements such as the Amsterdam School, De Stijl and the Bauhaus. He was also a key propagator of proportion theory and system thinking.

Meer over Lauwerks (in ‘t Nederlands) hier. English-language biography here.